MarkHub, A simple blog system built with nodejs. It parses the Markdown file into an HTML file and outputs it to the specified directory. You need to use nginx etc. to present your website.
Features #
- Easily write articles using markdown syntax.
- github css theme styles.
build #
git clone https://github.com/fdxx/markhub
cd markhub
npm install
## Copy the configuration file and edit it.
cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
## build
node index.js
Command Parameter #
- config: Specify config file path. default value
. For config instructions, seeconfig.example.yaml
. - noclean: By default, all files in
are deleted before building, specify this parameter to prevent deletion of the.
node index.js --config "path/to/config.yaml" --noclean
Front-matter #
At the beginning of the post, surround the yaml block with ---
## Post Title
title: 'Hello World'
## Default value: config.site.author
author: 'fdxx'
## description. Default value: title
## If the body does not have a '<!-- more -->' , this value is also used as excerpt
description: 'some description'
## Published date. Default value: file last modified date.
date: '2024-09-01'
## last modified date. Default value: date
lastmod: '2024-09-05'
## Enables comment feature for the post. Default value: true
comments: true
## Tags. Default value: none
- 'test1'
- 'test2'
## After building, these files are copied to the corresponding post directory.
## If it is a relative path, it will be find from the current md file path.
- 'pexels-dreamypixel-547115.jpg'
- 'pexels-lazarevkirill-9801136.jpg'
## If it is a draft, it will not be output. Default value: false
draft: false